Impending Changes in the SEO world Saturday, Aug 25 2012 

The sky isn’t falling chicken little, but your traffic may be in the near future.

There is no question that Google has been a dominating force. There is also no question that Microsoft has both the financial and the manpower resources to give them some serious competition and probably eventually get the upper hand again. As Google has grown to a size comparable to that of Microsoft, it has lost much of the “little guy trying harder” appeal that once helped to create a great deal of it’s public support. 

Many users don’t really care which search engine they use as long as they are getting the results that they’re looking for. In this area, Google is falling seriously behind. In an attempt to filter out more of the web sites using artificial means to improve their ranking, they have knocked a large number of legitimate web sites out of the SERPs and often prevented newer web sites from appearing to begin with. While I applaud their effort to combat the web sites using spam techniques to climb above legitimate web sites, I can say with out a doubt that unless they find a better way to do this they will begin loosing market share in a big way. There are several reasons, some of which are not so obvious:

  • People want relevant and timely results. If Google continues to delay newer web sites and web pages from ranking for applicable terms, users will go elsewhere to find more up to date results.
  • Many web site owners using Google AdSense will begin switching over to competing services from Yahoo and MSN – which they are likely getting traffic from. Since the ads are a source of revenue for these web site owners, they are going to deal with the search engines that are helping them make more money.
  • Many web site owners will remove the Google site-search from their web sites since they aren’t getting traffic from Google.
  • Web savvy people are often asked for advice from those who are not as proficient with computers. It won’t take too many bitter web site owners telling these people to use a competing search engine before Google starts to see the effects in their bottom line.
  • Microsoft has been developing Windows Vista (, in fact, the beta version has already been released. Microsoft will put a serious dent in Google’s business with this because they have built a handy little search box right into the operating system. (more…)

Disney Researchers Add Virtual Touch to the Real World Friday, Aug 24 2012 

Researchers at Disney have demonstrated a computer interface that changes the way ordinary, everyday objects feel using a weak electric signal fed through a user’s entire body.

Revealed at the Siggraph 2012 conference in Los Angeles this weekend, wearable technology modifies a user’s tactile perception of the physical world without requiring him to wear special gloves or use a force-feedback device. Sensations can be induced when the wearer touches a computer screen, walls, furniture, plastic or wooden objects, even other people.

Computer interface research has accelerated in recent years as hardware has become cheaper and software more sophisticated. This research has led to new products, including multitouch screens (see “iPhone-Style Touch on a Giant Screen”), motion-sensing devices (see “Microsoft Kinect” and “Gestural Interfaces”), and glasses-free 3-D displays (see “A Glimpse of Glasses-Free 3-D”). One area of growing interest is touch, or haptics, although this normally involves having users interact with a specialized device, and it has so far seen limited commercial application (see “The Slow Rise of the Robot Surgeon”).
Advertisement (more…)

Meta tag optimization results in high search engine ranking Thursday, Aug 23 2012 

I was compelled to publish this article after noticing several SEO specialists writing in reference to meta tags being dead or obsolete. Meta tags are not dead. I will be the first to say, meta tags are utilized by all major search engines and are very much in use and extremely important to search engine ranking. If you need proof of how important meta tags are, try removing your meta tags and watch what happens to your search engine positioning. Your site will plummet to the depths of the unvisited web. Meta tags are frequently an overlooked factor which can improve the ranking of most any website.

This is an example of how vital meta tags are to your webpage and to your search engine ranking. Our website ranks #6 and #7 consistantly on MSN for the keyword submit site. To test the dead meta tag theory, our source code editor changed one word in the meta description tag and we dropped to #15 in the search results. Our rankings on Google and several other search engines suffered even more so. Needless to say we made changes accordingly. All major search engines definitely utilize meta tags for a description of the webpage and for indexing within the search results. (more…)

Basic Techniques to Generate Traffic from Search Engines Wednesday, Aug 22 2012 

Traffic — And lots of it! It is the dream of every netrepreneur. After all, without steady stream of visitors — or should I say “potential customers” to your web site, how will you earn your e-fortune?

The first place most e-business start-ups go when they need a quick traffic fix is the search engines. And rightfully so! After all, a top ranking position in one of the major search engines is an effective way to increase the traffic to your web site without spending your hard-earned advertising dollars!

Statistics have repeatedly shown that anywhere from 20% to 80% of your visitors will find your web site via a search engine. However, you should also know that statistics show that most web surfers never search beyond the top 30 results they receive. With that in mind, it is clear that a top position a top position should be the goal of any savvy site owner.

But top spots are no longer achieved by crossing your fingers and blindly submitting your web site to 900+ search engines and directories using a free submission service. Competition for top spots is getting fierce, so it is important that you learn the “right” techniques if you want to ensure that your web site is well ranked… and it is very important that you do so while this great advertising medium is still FREE!

As I said before; for high traffic generation to your website, it is very important that your web site ranks in top spots in search engines. You may ask “What are the search engine looking for when they rank my web site?” Well, although each search engine uses different set of algorithms to rank web sites, but generally speaking, however, here are some of the main factors currently being considered by the search engines.

1. Link Popularity (more…)

The World of Duplicate Content – Use of a Filter Tuesday, Aug 21 2012 

The World Wide Web is like a running race or marathon where websites compete to reach the finish line first. In this case, the finish line is a higher ranking. And in this race for supremacy, it is important to avoid duplicate content and its penalties.

To facilitate the efficient functioning of directories, search engines have been armed with content filters. This removes or filters duplicate content from pages it’s indexing. And the most hurtful penalty is lower rankings.

Unfortunately, these filters not only catch rogues but web pages that are genuine too. What webmasters need to do is understand how filters function and know what action is to be taken to avoid being filtered out.

When a search engine sends out spiders the filters leave out or sieve:

• Websites that feature identical content. And when within a site the webmaster includes many copies or versions of pages to cheat the search engines. Filters are also extremely sensitive to “doorway” pages.

• Content masked by different packaging. Known as “scraped content” this duplication of pages with little or no relevant changes falls prey to filters.

• Product descriptions featured by e-commerce sites. Most e-commerce sites publish alongside a product the manufacturer’s description of the product and this content then appears on zillions of e-commerce sites falling victim to filters.

• Articles distributed widely over the net. While some engines are programmed to find the origin of the article there are others who may not be able to source the origins. (more…)

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