Impending Changes in the SEO world Saturday, Aug 25 2012 

The sky isn’t falling chicken little, but your traffic may be in the near future.

There is no question that Google has been a dominating force. There is also no question that Microsoft has both the financial and the manpower resources to give them some serious competition and probably eventually get the upper hand again. As Google has grown to a size comparable to that of Microsoft, it has lost much of the “little guy trying harder” appeal that once helped to create a great deal of it’s public support. 

Many users don’t really care which search engine they use as long as they are getting the results that they’re looking for. In this area, Google is falling seriously behind. In an attempt to filter out more of the web sites using artificial means to improve their ranking, they have knocked a large number of legitimate web sites out of the SERPs and often prevented newer web sites from appearing to begin with. While I applaud their effort to combat the web sites using spam techniques to climb above legitimate web sites, I can say with out a doubt that unless they find a better way to do this they will begin loosing market share in a big way. There are several reasons, some of which are not so obvious:

  • People want relevant and timely results. If Google continues to delay newer web sites and web pages from ranking for applicable terms, users will go elsewhere to find more up to date results.
  • Many web site owners using Google AdSense will begin switching over to competing services from Yahoo and MSN – which they are likely getting traffic from. Since the ads are a source of revenue for these web site owners, they are going to deal with the search engines that are helping them make more money.
  • Many web site owners will remove the Google site-search from their web sites since they aren’t getting traffic from Google.
  • Web savvy people are often asked for advice from those who are not as proficient with computers. It won’t take too many bitter web site owners telling these people to use a competing search engine before Google starts to see the effects in their bottom line.
  • Microsoft has been developing Windows Vista (, in fact, the beta version has already been released. Microsoft will put a serious dent in Google’s business with this because they have built a handy little search box right into the operating system. (more…)

The War on ‘Free’ Clicks: Think Nobody Clicks on Google Ads? Think Again! Wednesday, Aug 1 2012 

If you use Google search (and who doesn’t), you may have noticed that sponsored results (pay-per-click, or PPC, ads) have been taking over more and more of the search engine results page.

Here at WordStream, we’ve noticed that too! So we decided to do some research into what impact all of these new, bigger, more prominent and engaging ad formats are having on the average Google searcher. The results are astonishing:

Clicks on paid search listings beat out organic clicks by nearly a 2:1 margin for keywords with high commercial intent in the US. (more…)

Why Does My Google Places Page Look Different? Wednesday, Jul 18 2012 

ORLANDO, FLORIDA-Have you noticed that your Google Places page looks different yet? Because it probably does as of last month when Google converted approximately 80 million Places pages into 80 million Google+ Local pages. This is a move toward integrating Search, Maps and mobile.

Courtesy of
Users can still access these pages through regular Google search or maps, but that information is now available on a new tab within Google+ called Local. Businesses’ old Google business profile is now a Local+ page that is the home of all important business information, including address, phone numbers, hours of operation, photos, videos and reviews.

The announcement was made by Avni Shah on May 30, a director of product management at Google.  He explained, “Today, we’re rolling out Google+ Local, a simple way to discover and share local information featuring Zagat scores and recommendations from people you trust in Google+.”

Business owners might not even notice the change since managing their local listing is still currently done via Google Places for Business. There is mention of future changes that will allow them to “take full advantage of the social features provided by local Google+ pages” though. That sounds like a Google guarantee that they will continue to push Google+, so get used to it now.

How This Might Change Local SEO (more…)

11 free utilities Google Saturday, Jul 14 2012 

The following utility will help users more effectively using online tools from Google.

1. Blogger

These sites allow individuals to open and write comments on all matters in life. Users can share knowledge or to exchange ideas, personal thoughts with others. In addition, personal blog is a tool that can also profit from advertising revenue. To create this blog in search page, which can in

2. Google Book Search

This service lets you search thousands of book content online by author or subject. Users will also be all the books on the list of topics related to Google to find. In to use this utility.

3. Google Calendar

This tool will help create the online calendar on the Internet that allows people or groups working link, support each other at work anywhere. Users can enter and use facilities such as preparation of new information about the event via e-mail or QuickAdd features. When an appointment is initialized, Google Calendar will send a reminder and an invitation the other participants.

4. Google Desktop

This utility quickly find e-mail, website and all files on your computer ever visited. This tool allow to read news, photos and much more. Google Desktop is available at

5. Google Earth (more…)

Strategy for the link text link keywords Monday, Jul 2 2012 

Rochester Web Design

Strategy for linking text keyword link? In marketing strategy website, link building plays an important role on the big decisions of your success. In the text link that is rated higher than

What happens if my link contains my name?

The comment on the blog is a popular place where people want these links contain a name. Many blog systems allow you to add a link to the names you use to post comments. However, free links are prone to more abuse, and the blog owner disgruntled with the whole load from khoaduoi cramming their names when posting comments. This phenomenon seems more like spam and will delete or put you on the blacklist for a moment. However, you can add themselves with a name “nickname”. As long as you are supporting by providing useful comments on the reviews page, most blog owners will be glad to welcome such a review?

Set Plain text (plain text) that surround the links

The next place a plain text link is much better than your only link alone. Many search engines use text surrounding a link for a link to tell me? . Even though I will not go too far to put the plain text in the navigation menu, and also not go down too close to the final area of the site, where close to the legend on the right site. But if possible, add a text description next to your link is a good idea.

Change the URL of your landing?

There are a lot of debate in recent years about whether when you are ready to submit your link, and link to your page, if you should change the destination URL or not. That is “” and “” often point to the same destination. Depending on the configuration of my website, for example: “ / index.php” or “ / index.htm” also point to the same place.

So you constantly change the destination URL does not? No. You will change a bit and places do not? There is. You should find an arrangement you like the most and spend 80 to 90% of the time. So if you like “” rather than “” then spend most of the time slightly. Similar arrangement will generally give you better results on search engines, but you should change it, use the URL of your different types of at least about 10% of the time.

How many links on each page? (more…)

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