When a crawler or spider (the spider’s search engine) search the contents of your website, our web site as a normal user access and analysis of HTML code that it receives from its correct the content and classification of search results.

So winning position for potential keywords important? The position should be in bold, italics, highlight? Line of text that should design the title? The title cards that crawlers will pay special attention? … There are many elements and many different positions that a search engine must be analyzed to give the final result. The perfect combination of these factors in designing a website will bring positive results in improving their website ranking on search engines.

For example, a keyword “web page optimization” is in place (on the title, content) on the website will help it more easily found in search results when users type in the term search engines.

Some would think that repeated keywords on a website will make the search engines easily find the keywords on the website and list it in index-related keywords, with the website will easily be found on the search engines. This is only true at a time, now the search engines are smart enough to realize it you are deceived as well as user and they do not like being deceived at all. By doing like this, sooner or later the search engine will list your website to the list of sites “black” and we will remove the previously saved results as well as never again to visit your website.

The key to success lies in the layout and arrangement of elements, the tag (tag) HTML reasonable, using the right keywords combined with logical elements and proper keyword density. The search engines always prefer content rich site and provide information to customers.

The search engines never reveal their ranking algorithm, but we can study and decipher the tricks of their rank through their opponents. Best before you start your website design should:

Analysis of the website is currently in the top 10 with the same words with you.
Compare this site with you to build web pages.
Drawing on the experiences from your opponent (the location tag, the tag, layout …)
The structure of his website and started the design, how to keep your website at least achieve the same opponent. (more…)